Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Small Subjects

Cee has these interesting photo challenges so I wanted to play again. A good excuse to take a long lunch break from my bring-home-the-bread projects. I’m not a master of anything in photography and even less so when I can’t hide imperfections in bright colors, but it’s always fun to play. I remember the old days when we used to develop black & white photos in a makeshift lab in our only bathroom. What a mess it was! But today we’ve gone all digital, and it’s like magic. Now color…poof…and now black and white 🙂

So here are three photos as my contribution on “small subjects” – in addition to the featured image of white palm flowers.

The child and the ocean by Tiny
The child and the ocean by Tiny

The child going for a swim here is definitely small compared to the vast ocean. Yeah, this is an old photo. I was young and he was only 4 at the time.

Little song bird by Tiny
Little song bird by Tiny

I heard this tiny bird sing at sunset time one evening when walking my dog Bumble. It had turned its little butt my way and was singing a beautiful evening serenade…unfortunately the tune didn’t stick to the image.

Fog rising by Tiny
Fog rising by Tiny

This is a picture of fog coming out from the ocean and rising fast. The whole landscape was covered in fog.  The only thing I could see from my terrace was the rooftop of this 18-story condo building. Theoretically speaking a building is not a small object, but one could argue that the chimneys of the building are very small compared to the fog-covered 180 degree landscape. I was fascinated by the eerie fog enveloping everything that morning!

Now back to work. Boring.


15 thoughts on “Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Small Subjects”

  1. I just love the fog picture. It’s stunning!
    And the first black and white in the header looks like Birds of Paradise flowers. Is it? I love how they take on an almost architectural feel in black and white!

    1. The fog was unreal, I’ve never seen anything like that! These flowers are “white bird of paradise” flowers which typically grow in a much taller palm-like tree than the orange/blue ones we see in flower arrangements. We have both here in the area.

Would love to hear your thoughts!