Time Square and the Pink Hippo

Some weekend reading – beyond my normal 17 syllables or so – for those of you dear readers who may have missedĀ this post previously. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Tiny


Just came back home from a big city urban safari.Ā  A trip loaded with work and all the stresses of the modern world. Although it was good, or whatā€™s commonly called successful, it was nothing like the safaris Iā€™m used to. The big city certainly makes me run faster,Ā speak louder, listen less, and in general adjust to the rapidĀ urban pulse of human achievement.

A big city definitely is a place where people rule.Ā  An urban jungle where the huge buildings provide some shade from the sun and the carsĀ roam the streets. They can certainly kill you if youā€™re not constantly on your watch. A manmade kingdom with a few implanted, lonely pieces of the nature providing some warmth to the stone filled environments.Ā A few representatives of the animal kingdom can be seen walking the sidewalks,Ā tightly in the leash for their own protection.

On a nature bound safari, whether in theā€¦

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The Empire of Time

Sitting at the foot of the pyramid

I turn my face toward the afternoon sun

like so many have done before me

its raysĀ warm my body

enlighten my thoughts

and bring me some perspective

of life as a continuum

the past merging with the now

and the future stretching

to the eternal empire of time.

The Ladder

Constant drama

carefully brewed daily

furiously engaging

reality show

about climbing the Ladder.

Achievements stringed

like manmade pearls

hanging aroundĀ the neck

to proudly display

that tremendous success.

While in actuality

(a sad observation)

behind all those accolades

hides the barren landscape

of a burnt out soul.

Now might be the time

to climb down

put both feet firmly on the ground

breath deeply

and finally start living from the heart.