Tag Archives: Parenting

Parenting 101. Teens. Frame by Frame.

royal tern mom and teen g
Mom, that guy asked me out tonight! I’m planning on going. Umm…just wanted to let you know.
royal tern mom and teen f
Not that you asked, but it’s a no. He’s too much older than you. Already has his flying license…
royal tern mom and teen d
Can’t we have a civilized discussion at least…Mom?
royal tern mom and teen c
Look at him! He’s so cool…
royal tern ventilating b
…and I love how he looks at me…
royal tern mom and teen h
Mom! Listen to me! It’s not like I’m asking. I’m going!
royal tern mom dad and teen
No, go chill out with your friends. Oh, there’s your Dad… No, Mom, please don’t tell him! He’s so protective of me anyway…okay, I’m not going, not tonight.


Kids. They Grow Up So Fast.

There is a new batch of  Moorhen chicks in the salt marsh. I discovered them first about three weeks ago. They are truly the most difficult bunch to get to pose for camera, thanks to their protective mom. They’re hiding in the high grass and under the trees and bushes at the edge of water.

moorhen  kids hiding

I have gotten stiff branches in my face many times and almost fallen into the shallow water when trying to catch a clear sight of these little chicks. Acrobatic skills required my friends.

smallest moorhen chick swimming
Swimming between “islands”
small morrhen chick
Small explorations…

When they first came out of the nest for short adventures between the small islands, they were round, black fur balls.

moorhen middle chick
On the water…looking for mom

Then a week ago I spotted them again.  They had started their transformation into teenagers. You know, different hair and changes all over. Coupled with an attitude.

moorhen kid 6 where is mom
Where are you mom?!!

They adventured out on their own, but as soon as mama Moorhen was out of sight they got anxious and very loud.

the biggest moorhen kid 906
The biggest chick…a pretty teen

Then a couple of days ago I saw them again…exploring the world on their own. And discovering themselves too…marveling at their huge feet.

moorhen kid  looking at his foot
Oh, my feet are really huge…

Needless to say they were quite amusing to watch. They were still very small, less than half of the size of their mom, but already starting to lose their fluffy baby feathers.

moorhen kid aww
I’m still cute, right?

Please don’t get me wrong. They are still very cute. And a photo is worth every scratch on my legs and bur in my socks. ❤ Tiny