Papa Osprey Goes Fishing. And Other Serious Stuff.

We are having our best weather so far this year. It’s been calling me to go outside. Finally yesterday morning I got an opportunity to spend a couple of hours on the beach and in the nature reserve. I needed that quiet time in the midst of everything going on in the outer world. It was simply beautiful. I invite you to come along.

snowy egret, Florida, Sand Key
A Snowy Egret drying in the sun…

Just outside our garden, I was greeted by a Snowy Egret who was enjoying the beautiful morning at the top of a tree. Close by, two Mourning Doves were admiring the sun. I thought they looked like a happy old couple. Content with life. No worries of the world.

mourning dove couple, Florida, Sand Key
Mourning dove couple

Once on the beach I was walking along the water line, watching the terns and gulls play and bath in the surf. And pelicans fly back and forth in search of fish.

sandwich tern bathing 2
A Sandwich Tern baths in the surf…
pelican flyinng low, Florida, Sand Key
A White Pelican glides above the waves…

I also found mama Royal Tern and her teenage offspring…arguing as usual. I had to smile. Some things stay the same.

Mom and juvenile royal tern
Mama and juvenile Royal Tern argue….again.

I was just about to turn towards the nature reserve when I spotted two ospreys. They were on a fishing trip.  Flying high above the waves and peering down on the water. They were far out so I couldn’t see who they were, but snapped a picture of both. And guess what?

 osprey fishing, Florida
Stanley, the second osprey, fishing with P.O.
 osprey over the ocean, Florida, Sand Key
P.O. on a fishing trip with Stanley on Mexican Gulf

That was Papa Osprey and Stanley! They have become pals, it seems. They flew further away on the ocean and I took the path to the salt marsh.

I walked on the north side of the marsh and was greeted by a Great Egret on the very top of a huge tree. I guess having an overview was trending among egrets yesterday.

great egret at the very top of a tree, Florida, Sand Key
A Great Egret on the top of the world…

I spotted many other egrets, a juvenile Night Heron, and Tricolored Heron, among others. And my pal, the Muscovy Duck, who tends to come and greet me whenever I rest and sit on a bench.

tricolored heron Florida, Sand Key
A Tri-colored Heron hunting in the salt marsh…
muscovy duck Florida, Sand Key
A Muscovy Duck swimming in the salt marsh….

I didn’t expect to see Papa Osprey because I’d just seen him over the ocean. But when I approached the nest, there he was. All wet. But with no fish.

wet papa osprey returns from ocean
Papa Osprey is wet…but didn’t catch a fish…

I guess he was disappointed that the dive in the ocean didn’t result in fresh seafood lunch. And he must have been hungry. He turned to look at me as if saying he can’t stay.

osprey Florida, Sand Key
Papa Osprey…says he’s hungry…

I assured him I understood, and that I’d wait for a while. Off he flew  to the drive-thru fish place, aka the intra-coastal bay.

osprey goes fishing Florida, Sand Key
Papa Osprey goes fishing…again.

I wanted to see if he’d catch a fish, so I decided to take a run around the park. I approached his nest again after about 15 minutes. And he was already back! Soaking wet and with a fish  firmly in the talons of his left foot. It looked like one from the lunch menu.

Papa osprey back with a fish
Papa Osprey comes home with a fish…

The second fishing trip was a success. Persistence pays off. After drying himself for a few minutes, he looked up towards the wooded end of the park and talked to someone I couldn’t see. In a friendly voice. Maybe he told his pal Stanley where he had caught the fish?

papa osprey has a fish 2
Papa Osprey starting his lunch…

After checking the airspace around him he started to eat his lunch. Soon thereafter I said my goodbyes. I may not see him until after a couple of weeks due to my upcoming travels.

It was a great little outing. I hope you enjoyed it too. Be good now and enjoy the weekend. ❤ Tiny




29 thoughts on “Papa Osprey Goes Fishing. And Other Serious Stuff.”

  1. That radiation from Fukishima radiation plant in Japan is still spewing out of control into the Pacific. I am afraid all the beautiful wildlife for pictures on this post won’t be available in the so far future.

    1. I don’t know about that 🙂 I think he was really hungry. But getting a fish quickly like that is good practice for next spring when he has to fish for the whole family again! Thanks my friend!

  2. You have all these fantastic photos Tiny! I’m very impressed with the first photo, the tern and the breaking wave. Good work! 🙂

    1. Thanks much H.J. I got a few good ones of the birds in the surf. These terns are so lively and animated, it’s fun to watch and shoot them.

    1. Thanks Tish. The nature is just wonderful in its many expressions. I’d like to get better in capturing it in a way that preserves this wonder.

    1. P.O. and few other birds definitely do, but the 2 other adult ospreys only tolerate me briefly (when I happen to find them) before they let me know that my time’s up. Today a Great Egret let me come really close too. That’s nice 🙂

  3. Tiny, to live where you are and to actually SEE what you brought to me amazes me. Your photgraphy is SO good that I was wowing the entire way through this post. How it must feel to actually be in the presence of these incredible birds under that blue blue sky … just imagining it brings such a huge sigh from within my Soul. Thank you, Tiny, for giving me this Gift today! (((HUGS))) Amy

    1. Thanks dear Amy for your kind words! It is a privilege to be able to see so many birds so close by. Observing them soothes my soul and makes me want to share what I see. I’m so happy you liked them. May hugs to you too and have a great week. I’ll be away for a bit more than a week in Europe (off the grid)…see you when I come back. Hugs to you too!

  4. Sweet Tiny you have out done yourself on these beautiful pictures. You have such a great place to go photograph gorgeous birds and I am so happy you share them with us. I do so enjoy viewing all of your pictures. Hugs

    1. Thank you so much Maggie! I’m happy you like my bird stories. Sorry I didn’t see this comment earlier as I traveled and I’m still catching up.

Would love to hear your thoughts!