Blog Around the Clock (a poem)

Who are these people? I ask you.

Two in the morning in London, three in Rome, four in Nairobi. Posting, liking, commenting. Blinking dots on the map. When do they ever sleep? White, yellow, green.  Click, click, dot, square, dot!  

Good morning Jakarta. What’s the time in Hong Kong, Tokyo?  Aren’t they at work, in daycare, at the gym, in the park, at the mall, in school, at the doctor’s or just busy retiring?

Doing something, I mean.

Prime time in the Americas. Six or ten p.m. – you choose.  Sharing, uploading, following.  Blinking dots on the map. Time to cook dinner, read bedtime stories? White, yellow, green. Click, click, dot, square, dot!

Good evening Atlanta. Going to movies, playing pool, painting toe nails in five different colors? Taking karate lessons (whoz-whoz), meditating or just hanging around?

Doing something, I mean.

It’s me you say. I’m a blogger. Just like you. I like you. Follow me. White, yellow, green. Click, click, dot, square, dot!

This is us, you say, doing something together.


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