Tag Archives: Clouds

My Shopping Mall in the Skies

On my recent trip to Northern Europe, I was shopping on all six flights. I like shopping in the skies as the “merchandise” on each flight is unique. And it’s completely free, I just put it in my basket and enjoy.

The mall in the sky offers a beautiful variety of landscapes. Most landscapes I shop for include some water views. Or cloud formations.

Preferably both water and cloud formations. But no birds. Please don’t get me wrong: I love birds, but prefer to enjoy them when they are the only ones flying.

When the evening comes in the skies, the sun is sending god flight wishes in splendid colors. Mine to enjoy for free, and yours too.

After the sunset there might or might not be something more to shop. One of my flights met the dim light of dusk over the Big City. I just had to shop for this look. So deceptively peaceful.

In another country, the following day, there was fog and low-lying clouds. Only a token brave tower reached its head above the clouds. It looked pretty funny, I think. Like  saying “hello there stranger”. Had to put it in my basket.

Then, after flying a short night when going East, one suddenly meets the first light of the new day. Far too soon – the body says it’s only just an hour or so after midnight. But of course that doesn’t count.

At first there are just faint colors signaling that the sun is waking up. Then, in only a few minutes, it raises its head above the sleepy horizon, coloring the clouds, the sea and the tiny islands. Very pretty.

And then the shopping trip in the skies was over. I had arrived with my basket full of free gods, courtesy of Mother Nature.

A Summer Broadcast

For weekend reading this Saturday, I thought I would share with you some “documentaries” of natural and human activities as seen from our terrace.

There is a lot going on in our East-North-West field of view at any given time. A visiting friend once told us “You don’t need any TV because you have a live broadcast going on for free”. That is of course an exaggeration.

This summer, which is the rainy season in Florida, we have witnessed majestic storms with dramatic skies on many occasions both on the bay and on the ocean side. Here is a small sampling (hover mouse over the pictures for text).

A few times we’ve experienced tropical storms, like Debby in 2012, which flooded the beach and the nearby nature reserve. We were able to scan the situation from the terrace. Keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll not see one this year.

Then, of course, there are plenty of sunny days in the summer as well. They are not as dramatic to document, but there is lots of activity going on, like sailing schools and racing boat competitions. Believe me, we can hear the roaring speed boats…

Occasionally we also spot pirates on the ocean. And now that I got the hand-me-down Canon from my hubby, I can get closer to them, still keeping at the safe distance on the terrace.

And on weekends and holidays, there is a lot of activity going on in the water and on the beach.

And at the neighboring watering hole. When it’s hot, lots of liquids are required.

And then the day turns to evening. The sun plays in beautiful hues and colors the bay and the city behind it.

And offers delicious light to complement the dinner on the cruise boats on the ocean side as well.

And finally the sun takes a deep dive into the ocean with a different “tune” each night, sometimes soft pastels and other times passionate reds. And anything in between.

At night, the lights of the city reflect on the water to the North and to the East. Occasional boat blinks on the ocean.

Unless there are fireworks on the beach around July 4th or for special occasions. The terrace provides for first row seating.

Right now, some clouds are gathering again. We’ll see what kind of excitement we’ll get. Although I will not be documenting any of it, planning to be in a concert tonight, indoors.

I wish you all a blessed weekend.