Solitude. A Photographic Journey.

I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits, unless I spend four hours a day at least, and it is commonly more that that, sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements. – Henry Thoreau.

winter-forest-in-finland-ud106Solitude is not the absence of Love, but its complement. Solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is free to speak to us and help us decide what to do with our life. – Paulo Coelho

first-light-ud106Solitude is aloneness you choose and embrace. I think great things can come out of solitude, out of going to a place where all is quiet except the beating of your heart. -Jeanne Marie Laskas

finland-land-of-the-lakes-ud106Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. – John Muir

lake sulunjarvi  16x9 ud106.jpgSolitude in the summer forest, full of leafy trees, urges us to breathe.  To enjoy beingness, just like them. – Tiny K.

Finnish forest UD106.jpgIt is time now, I said, for the deepening and quieting of the spirit among the flux of happenings. – Mary Oliver

sunset-on-the-lake-finland-2-aug-2016-ud106Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness. – Desmond Tutu

fall-sun-finland-ud106Solitude feels like a refreshing shower of light snow. It’s brightening my soul. – Tiny K.

snow-mountains-and-lake-ud106Solitude is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. -Deepak Chopra


83 thoughts on “Solitude. A Photographic Journey.”

    1. Thank you Sue! All these pictures are from the area of my childhood in Southern Finland. When I think of solitude…that’s where my mind goes. Very peaceful.

  1. Thanks for this very special and soul resting set of beautiful images, Tiny. Yes, enjoying ‘beingness’ the mindful spirit rejoices in being and not in doing. The world looses its self and its identity by to much doing. Identity is not found in doing but in being. Solitude allows us to breathe freely and be. Yes, it allows us to reconnect as we walk in The Garden alone with God as Adam once did, in solitude, as we appreciate the beautiful surrounding Creation and with it cry out in joyous thanksgiving. Enjoy you week my friend.

    1. Thank you, Ashley. I am happy this post resonated with you. And you put it beautifully – that’s how I feel too, gratefully reconnecting when I am surrounded by the beauty of Creation.

  2. Tiny, you spoil us with this celebration of solitude post – such stunning photographs interspersed with thoughtful quotations – many of which I will be saving. This one stands out for me and one of yours I believe: ‘Solitude feels like a refreshing shower of light snow. It’s brightening my soul.’ – Tiny K. A gem of a post, Tiny.

    1. Oh, I am so happy you liked it, Annika. Yes, I ‘slinked in’ a couple of my own thoughts. All the pics are from the area of my childhood in northern Europe – that’s where my thoughts go when I think of solitude.

      1. Now I’m intrigued, Tiny. You grew up in Northern Europe? The pictures do have a Scandinavian feel with the lakes, the tall birches…Have you been a long time in the States?

        1. Yes, I was born in Finland, but our family is about 50/50 Finnish and Swedish, and I am Swedish citizen…then lived all over the world (for work) and ended up here in the US (Washington DC, Maryland, Florida) about 20 years ago.

          1. Hejsan! Lovely to come across a fellow Swede (and Finn) who has moved around a bit. Or rather a lot with your international travel…I’ve also kept my Swedish citizenship even though I’ve lived most of my life in the UK. It’s hard to give up and I have a big family over there.Vi hörs!

  3. How I wish I could take walks as you do, my friend. I have always found peace in nature and it’s almost impossible to do here. I lose myself for a few moments in your wonderful pictures, drawing what peace and pleasure I can from them. ❤

    1. I, too, hope that you could take replenishing walks in nature, my friend. At least in the summer time. And even better, that we could take walks together some day ❤

  4. I’m grateful for having been born a lover of solitude, Helen, as it seems to give rise to an uncomplicated existence. I think it’s a healthy trait as long as one isn’t a sociophobe along with it — balance, as ever, being key to contentedness.

    1. I am an extrovert, but have always, as long as I can remember, needed solitude. Periodically. I agree with you that balance – whatever it means in our individual context, is key to contentedness.

  5. Thoreau may have liked solitude but he made sure that his mother was on hand to do his laundry. A man can only take so much of real life. Your pictures were an inspiration.

  6. Four hours a day sauntering through the woods! When I read that, I realized what has been wrong with me lately: it’s been too long since I’ve been in the woods, or the marsh, or on the beach, because four hours a day sounds like heaven. I’m so glad you found me. I love your blog. Your photos are beautiful beyond words.

    1. Thanks Val! When I hear the word solitude, this is where my mind goes to. Although I am an extrovert, I need solitude in large doses 🙂

  7. I would love to spend time breathing and being in a summer forest… not too far away now, the days are getting longer again. Thanks for the little moment of peace. 🙂

  8. Thank you for sharing these inspirational words and stunning photos, Tiny. So many of these quotes resonate with me – I cherish my walks in nature most when I am alone with the birds and other small creatures.

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