Turtle Heaven. And Raptor Rescue in McGough Nature Park.

Yesterday a friend of mine (thanks Gladys!) introduced me to a Nature Park that I had no idea existed right along a route I drive several times a week. Practically right under my nose.

McGough Nature Park
McGough Nature Park

The McGough Nature Park is also known as a “turtle park” because it houses 150-200 turtles of various sub-species at any given time. When we arrived, some of them were enjoying the sunshine at the pond.

A few of the turtles enjoying the sun on land.
A few of the turtles enjoying the sun on land.

This park also provides a home for rescued raptors, who cannot manage on their own in the wild due to injuries they have sustained. We saw five birds there at the moment, if I remember correctly.

Two Barred Owls.

One of these owls had an eye injury, and the other had a debilitating wing injury. They were not able to fly, but had gotten a home here in the park’s Nature Center.

A Red-shouldered Hawk.

This Red-shouldered Hawk had injured her right wing so badly that part of it had to be surgically removed.

After saying hello to the rescued raptors in the Nature Center, we walked the beautiful trail through the pine, oak, palm and mangrove forest. Please come along.

trees in McGough Nature Parklean on me McGough Nature ParkBoardwalk in McGough Nature Parkmagroves at McGough Nature ParkOak trees in McGough Nature Parkwild flower in McGough Nature Parktrees 2 in McGough Nature Park

I hope you enjoyed the short walk in this park, and the gorgeous spring weather 🙂

52 thoughts on “Turtle Heaven. And Raptor Rescue in McGough Nature Park.”

  1. What a beautiful place to walk Tiny, Love the turtles, it is beautiful to see them. We loved swimming with them when we stayed on Lord Howe Island, but these are freshwater turtles I guess and not ocean ones?

    1. Happy you liked the short walk! These are freshwater and land turtles. Although there may be some sea turtles in the adjacent intracoastal waterway. It’s salt water and connects to the ocean a few miles north of the park, just where we live The sea turtles dig their nests right on our beach every year 🙂

      1. You are welcome
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  2. Those old trees make my painters fingers itchy. 😉 Love that the raptors have a good place to heal and live. Wonderful pictures my friend. ❤

    1. Thanks Jackie! I hope you will paint some of “my” trees! The raptor rescue is great, many of the birds live there the reminder of their lives, but I found out that one Great Horned Owl recently surprised everyone by learning to fly again…and now lives free in the park. His home in the Nature Center was empty. Hugs & ❤

      1. What a nice story! I hope that owl lives a nice long free life. 🙂 One day I may ask you for a pic of your ‘trees’ and paint one!

    1. That turtle was a cool fellow, and the park was both peaceful and beautiful. Happy you came along, Randall. I will certainly spend more time there in the future…once the Osprey chicks in the park next to me learn to fly and leave after the nesting season 🙂

    1. It is! I wouldn’t have found it on my own. I noticed there is a small sign at the turn to the park on the busy road I usually drive, but I’m not capable of reading signs driving 50m/h on a multilane road 🙂

    1. I’m happy too there are “homes” these raptors can live in when they can’t hunt by themselves any more. Happy you enjoyed the stroll.

  3. Saturday, on our way home from Sand Key
    we diverted from the main roads and detoured through Largo.
    Could have stopped had we know of its existence.
    Ten years in Florida and we are still discovering new venues to visit.
    This park is now on our soon to do list, Thank You
    ME and the Boss

    1. It is! The raptors that come here have kind of gone through the rehab already and not been able to be released back into the wild, but this owl surprised everyone!

  4. It was restorative indeed, the weather was spring-like with low humidity still on Monday. Now back to “normal”, as you know 🙂 Thanks for coming along Nancy.

  5. I did very much enjoy this walk in the park, Tiny. Great photos. How very fortunate that your friend opened this world to you (and us). 😀

    1. Happy you enjoyed the walk, Jet. Discovery of this park was a great gift from my friend. Now I hope to give her a gift of observing the osprey chicks’ flying lessons in the next 2-3 weeks 😀

  6. What a lovely place to relax at. Your picture with the bridge/walkway is so beautiful. Something about it calls to me. I love how all your pictures are so clear. I feel like I am seeing it in the person! Awesome Tiny!❀

    1. Happy you enjoyed the park, Koko! It is a beautiful place, and that walkway reaches far out over the water. I took the picture only half way out there. Have a wonderful day!

  7. What a beautiful park! Isn’t it fun to discover little gems tucked away right under our noses?? I’ve found we can live in a place for decades and still find things we never knew existed “right around the corner”.

    I adored your large intro photo of the turtle! I’ve got a thing for turtles and frogs (as well as birds, LOL), so I really appreciated that great shot!

    I feel bad for the injured raptors, but glad that they have a home where they can live out their lives in a safe environment. The call of the barred owl is one of my favorite sounds.

  8. Hello! Wow that picture of the turtle in your header is amazing. The colors are beautiful. What a lovely place and the skies were gorgeous that day. I felt sad that the birds were injured but at the same time, I’m happy they now have a safe home. They’re beautiful and look healthy. Love this place. ❤

Would love to hear your thoughts!