From the Outback

I got a post card

from the Outback

sent by me in the future.

It simply said:

I had solitude for breakfast

and bird’s song for dinner

my soul is embedded

in the vastness of nature

a magical, golden place

where the trails are marked

“This way to heaven.”

Thanks Baz, the Landy,  for permission to work on one of your wonderful photos from the outback. Folks, check them out at .

40 thoughts on “From the Outback”

      1. Oh how I wish I could! I’ve wanted to visit since I was a young girl and first read about the outback. 🙂

  1. Wonderful, the poem does my picture great justice! This is the Simpson Desert region of Central Australia. I drove around 600/700 kilometres and over just as many sand dunes taking a few days.

    By day the landscape is beautiful, at the the sky opens wide and you can see stars all the way to the horizon!

    Cheers, Baz – The Landy

    1. Phew! I’m happy you liked it. From your writings and photos I can imagine how beautiful the landscape is there. I hope I can see the stars hanging down from the sky “live” one of these days. Something to look forward to!

  2. Reblogged this on Baz – The Landy (Out and About having fun) and commented:
    The author of a blog titled ‘tiny lessons blog’ contacted me recently and asked could she use one of my photographs for a poem she would like to write.
    Of course, I told her, and she has done the photograph great justice in the way she has digitally altered the way it presents, and with the poem that the photograph inspired her to write.
    The photograph was taken a number of years ago in the Simpson Desert, Outback Australia. It is the fourth largest desert in Australia and it is the world’s largest sand dune desert.
    Travelling from East to West, I spent around five-days in the desert crossing about 700 sand dunes and covered around the same distance in kilometres, so a sand dune almost every kilometre. Accompanying me on the trip was my father Brian, my mother Fay, and son TomO, who was around three-years old at the time.
    It was a wonderful trip on many levels, my parents loved being taken to a place they had never travelled before, especially with their grandson. They had a passion for travel, but would never had contemplated a trip like this, and lived vicariously through the travels that I undertook with Janet…
    For TomO, I weaned him off his bottle on this trip, and he threw away his night-time nappy…
    And me, well it was great to be out with a wonderful family, although we did miss Janet, who was spending time with her sisters in the Margaret River Region of west Australia…
    To tiny, thanks!
    Please be sure to visit tiny lessons blog, where the author describes herself as a, happy beach bum, former director, active world traveller, so-so wife, mother, grandmother, and good friend. And adding, that she is not a photographer, but a pretty creative illustrator.
    Thanks tiny, and to all, be sure to visit “down under” one of these days, we’d love to see you!

    1. Thanks a million for this wonderful “bonus” story! It makes everything much more alive! It was really nice to collaborate this way – thanks so much 🙂 and warm greetings from Florida from my family to yours!

    1. It was really nice of him to provide more details and stories! So now I have outback added to my wish list (I don’t use the bucket)! And if I come that “far” one day, maybe NZ would not be too “far” from there….

Would love to hear your thoughts!