Firdemonte Press

Firdemonte Press is the website for our small publishing house. There you will find information about books published by us. The website also has a blog.

The first book, Confessions of a Rescue Dog, was published in 2014, and a mystery novel “A Care of Deceit” will be published end October 2015. And more books are on the way from the two authors, A. H. Kuusela and Jackie Phillips, in 2016.

Firdemonte Press also has a popular Facebook page for everyday news on topics related to the books.

We hope to see you there!

3 thoughts on “Firdemonte Press”

  1. Oh my goodness. Now I know who you are. You are Bumbles mom. I’ve bought and read the book a while back on Jackie’s recommendation. It was so sweet and I wondered how he was doing. It’s been such a crazy year that I lost track of where it came from. I’m without a pet at the time but always do what I can for the rescue centers. It was a wonderful book. Thanks for writing it.

  2. Hi Bumble!
    Thank you so much for sending me your book. I’m really looking forward to hearing about your adventures. And I’m so happy that you are with such a lovely parent now 🙂
    Auntie Val x

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